Monday, April 13, 2009

Is China Trying to Kill Us?

Recently I read an article from the Associated Press titled:

AP IMPACT: Chinese drywall poses potential risks
Posted is just a piece of the article:
The drywall furor is the latest in a series of scares over potentially toxic imports from China. In 2007, Chinese authorities ratcheted up inspections and tightened restrictions on exports after manufacturers were found to have exported tainted cough syrup, toxic pet food and toys decorated with lead paint.

And that is not counting the baby formula. When will we learn from our mistakes? Is all this really worth the health risks that it is causing our nation? Not sure where I am taking this, but it does seem quite odd that we continue to put up with this.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

…IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST by Dorris Murdock Blough

I recently read an article that I find worthy of posting. I have added it below.
Brethren Life and Thought 32 no 2 Spr 1987, p 111-112. Issue Record: ATLA0000179382


The divorce was only a matter of time. The pain, the frustration, sense of failure … it was all there. But there was nothing else to be done about the relationship … Jim had made that very clear. No more counseling with Dr. Brown … no more painful confrontations …

He had moved out, and that day he was coming back so they could divide their possessions, those collected items of shared experiences. The records, the momentoes from travels, the rocking chairs …

Jim and Jean moved through the house, tense and terse, keeping the conversation strictly on an arms-length basis. He had made that footstool in high school… it should be his, of course. That old book belonged to his Uncle Jim… that cream pitcher to his mother… And the piano, originally a gift from his parents would go to Chérie, their daughter. Jean had spent many pleasant hours playing the piano … but…

In “their” bedroom Jean stood looking at the beautiful handmade dresser. .. crafted in 1856 for another Mrs. Smith, Jim’s great grandmother. Sometimes when Jean dusted it, she had felt close to that other Mrs. Smith in whose name and lineage she followed. But, of course, the dresser would stay in the family… anything that had come from Jim’s family would stay with him …

Thirty-three years of marriage, and nothing belonged to her. Suddenly she could not go on. “Let’s do this another time. I . . . it’s much too hot right now.”

He left very soon.

Jean dropped into the big arm chair in the front room and let her feelings wash over her. As she had done since the beginning of this experience, some months before, she allowed herself to be submerged in the feelings, the emotion of the moment. Fear, anger, pain… all of them. She had discovered that by immersing herself in them, they passed more quickly, and by not denying the deepest level of feeling, she could take from it the gift of learning. And though terribly painful, over and over she had gained new insights into herself and her world.

From Henri Nouwen she had learned to go to her “desert” and there to meet Jesus Christ, the God that was within her. She went to that desert now, letting the thoughts flow without an attempt to organize or impede them.

Talking aloud seemed to help her think.

“For thirty-three years I have been on loan from the McKay family to the Smith family. I have given birth to four children with the name of Smith.

Brethren Life and Thought

“Jim does not want to continue the relationship… I have been Mrs. James Smith for thirty-three years. As of the time Jim moved out, Mrs. James Smith ceased to exist. But I WAS Mrs. James Smith for thirty-three years. If Mrs. James Smith does not exist, then I do not exist!

“I cannot go back to being McKay… that was too long ago. I gave up my family thirty-three years ago to become Smith.

“… At this moment I have no name… no family… no roots… no financial base of security… no emotional support system that comes from family. I have no past and therefore no future … because the future comes out of the past.

“And so … at this moment… I am nobody! NOBODY!”

She gave herself to her tears and felt swept into the terrible darkness of nothingness, of being NOBODY.

Finally her sobs lessened, and again she spoke aloud.

“Who am I? If I am not the person I have been for thirty-three years… then who am I?

“… Mrs. Jean Smith … Jean McKay Smith … Jean Smith MpKay…

“… to what name shall I answer … to what name shall I respond?

“… In whose name shall I do the work I have to do?… in the name of Jean Smith … in the name of Jesus Christ…”

Abruptly her tears stopped… she sat up straight. “… In the name of Jesus Christ…” she said again.

And suddenly she knew the answer… the answer to who she was … and, for the first time in her fifty-four years, she knew why the Christian says, “… in the name of Jesus Christ.”

She spoke now with a strong voice. “There comes the time when, because of broken relationships, we discover that we are ‘nobody’… we have no identity … no name of our own… and in our lostness and our aloneness we discover that to do something in the name of Jesus Christ is to take on the image of Christ… special… unique.

“To accept the ‘name of Christ’ as my own gives me identity and personhood.

“I am Jean Christ…!”

She wept again, copious tear, but now of joy. She had a name, her own special unique name… one that no one on this earth… nor death… no, not even death, could take away.

She was no longer “Nobody”!

Volume XXXII, Spring 1987

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Limviche Avocado Chicken

Ok, so I decided to get a little creative tonight and created a new chicken dish. Chaundra really liked it, and reminded me that the last time I got creative like this I forgot how I did it and it is forever gone. So she told me that I should write it down. I took the concept from Ceviche and combined it with the word lime to get Limviche (Because I am not using seafood just vegitables). Anyway I thought it was creative. I am not a recipe writer so you will have to bear with me. Either way, I thought you might like to have the recipe. Oh, and I guessed on the amounts. I think that it is pretty close, but you might need to experiment yourself with the recipe.

Limviche Avocado Chicken

Limviche Avocado Relish
2 Chopped Roma Tomatoes
½ Cup of Chopped Onion
½ Cup of Chopped Celery
½ Cup of Chopped Red Bell Pepper
2 Avocados Chopped
3 Tablespoons of Lime Juice

Mix together to coat the vegetables and set aside.

2 Tablespoons of Butter
2 Diced Garlic cloves
½ Cup of Pecans Chopped
½ Cup of Chopped Onion
½ Cup of Chopped Celery
½ Cup of Chopped Red Bell Pepper
1 Tablespoon of Zesty Lemon Seasoning
1 Tablespoon of Salad Herbs Seasoning

In a skillet pan melt butter and add Garlic and Pecans. Brown until pecans start to get tender and then add Onions, Celery, and Bell Peppers to sauté. When onions start to become clear pour into mix that was set aside. (All of it even the butter) Sprinkle Zesty lemon and Salad Herbs on and mix well. Set aside for Chicken

2 Tablespoons of butter
2 Diced Garlic cloves
½ Cup of Pecans Chopped
½ Cup of Chopped Red Bell Pepper
3-4 Boneless Skinless Chicken breasts
Zesty Lemon Seasoning

Melt butter in skillet and sauté garlic and pecans until pecans are tender. Add chopped Bell Peppers and then Chicken. Sprinkle Zesty lemon seasoning to taste and cook chicken until tender and cooked through.

Serve chicken and spoon mix on as desired. Enjoy!